Katie Myer
Director of Admissions and Recruitment
Emma Willard School
We're All In This Together!
Creating Equitable Admissions & Retention Practices

Kristen Naspo
Managing Partner
The Bertram Group
We're All In This Together!

Felicia Neil
Associate Director, Enrolment Management, International
Lakefield College School
Elevating the Family Experience in Modern Enrollment Practices

Tiffany Nelson
Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management
Paideia School
The Art of Saying No

Patrick Nobbs
Associate Director of Admissions: Domestic
Lakefield College School
Elevating the Family Experience in Modern Enrollment Practices

Edwin Núñez
Director of Enrollment Management
The Pingry School
Athlete Evaluation: A Point-Based Approach to Admissions at Pingry

Mbakwe Okafor
Director of Enrollment Management
Concord Academy
From Gatekeeping to Student Seeking

Imaani Orr
Director of Enrollment Management
Speyer School
Navigating School Board Reporting