Sarah Météyer
Assistant Director of Equity & Inclusion
Brentwood School
Transformative Change Through a DEIJB Lens

Elisha Meyer
Senior Associate Director of Institutional Advancement
Boston University Academy
Building a More Inclusive and Supportive Financial Aid Process for Families

Aaron Mieszczanski
Spencer Stuart
Mark Mitchell
Vice President, Access & Affordability
National Association of Independent Schools
Navigating Trends in Independent Schools: Insights for Enrollment Leaders

Erby Mitchell
Assistant Head of School and Dean of Admission and Financial Aid
The Hotchkiss School
From Manager to Mentor: Building Future Enrollment Leaders

Mecca Monson-Gere
Director of Financial Aid & Associate Director of Admission
'Iolani School
From Pay What You Wish to No Soup For You! A Look at Financial Aid Policies

Danielle Montanez
Associate Director of Post-Placement Counseling
Prep for Prep
When the Promise Falls Short: The Gap Between the Admission Pitch & Reality

Amy Morris
Director of Strategic Marketing & Communications
Woodward Academy
Marketing Magic: A-Z Enrollment Strategies

Michael Morrissey
Admission Senior Database Administrator
The Hotchkiss School
Ready When They Are: Giving Families Access Anytime, Anywhere

Holli Murphy
Sr. Project Manager, Assessment Development
Is Standardized Testing Back?
SSAT Item Writing Workshop