The COVID-19 crisis has upended everything we thought we knew about independent school enrollment. You might be facing significant enrollment challenges.
You might be worried about what the next admission season will look like. Our institute, designed for heads of school like you, will help you move forward. It’s an opportunity to seek input from the most knowledgeable enrollment experts in the industry. It’s a chance to engage and collaborate in small groups with your peers. You’ll have access to the best minds in the field for 1:1 consultations. This institute is for you.
EMA Members
$595 Early Bird* | $795 Regular
Non EMA Members
$995 Early Bird* | $1,195 Regular
*Early bird pricing available through June 11, 2020.

Christine Baker
The Baker Group Carney, Sandoe & Associates
President and Founder

Laurel Baker Tew
Viewpoint School (CA)
Assistant Head of School for Enrollment Management

Greg Bamford
Leadership and Design
Co-Founder and Senior Partner

Suzanne Buck
Western Reserve Academy
Head of School

Heather Hoerle
Executive Director & CEO

Amy Jolly
Head of School

Anne-Marie Kee
Lakefield College School
Head of Lakefield College School

Sally Keidel
Montgomery School (PA)
Head of School

John Lewis
The Gunston School (MD)

Noni Thomas Lopez
The Gordon School
Head of School

Jennifer Osland (Hillen)
Chief Learning Officer

Americus Reed II
The Wharton School

Kynan Robinson
Founder and CEO

Adam Rohdie
Greenwich Country Day School
Head of School

Jeff Shields
NBOA Business Leadership for Independent Schools
President and CEO

Chad Tew
Los Encinos School
Build Deep Connections and Learn from Industry Experts
As we selected our presenters we had a simple mandate: find the most experienced and creative practitioners in the field and ask them to share what they know so you can apply their ideas to help your school. Whether you learn about new tuition models from heads of school like Noni Thomas Lopez (Head of School at Gordon School, RI) and Sally Keidel (Head of School at The Agnes Irwin School, PA) or hear how Greenwich Country Day school acquired another school to become more successful, you will take away key ideas and strategies you can use immediately.
Active Collaboration & Support: Be part of a cohort groups of heads of school
We understand: as head of school it can sometimes be hard to find a place for advice and support. During the institute you will regularly come together with a small group of your peers to share the challenges and opportunities you are facing at your school as well as make the most of the learning happening during the event.
Expert Guidance & Input
Sometimes you just need an answer to your specific question. During the course you will have the opportunity to schedule individual calls with industry thought leaders. Dig into branding best practices from Americus Reed, professor at The Wharton School, benefit from learning about what Chinese families are thinking from Nini Suet Managing Partner at Shang NancyFriends International Education Group. These are just two examples of the accomplished professionals you’ll be able to consult with during the institute
How Does it Work?
When you participate in the institute you will have access to the following content:
- Live sessions and cohort groups conducted via Zoom meeting
- Recordings of the sessions will be available for on-demand viewing and sharing
- Supporting content and resources will also be available
Enrollment Management in a time of COVID-19
Chris Baker, The Baker Group; Laurel Baker Tew, Viewpoint School
Rethinking the Independent School Business Model due to COVID-19
Jeff Shields, NBOA; Jennifer Hillen, NBOA
New Tuition & Pricing Models
Noni Thomas-Lopez, Gordon School; Sally Keidel, Montgomery School; John Lewis, The Gunston School
Redefining Your Brand Identity During a Crisis
Americus Reed, Wharton School
Should We Partner, Merge, Acquire, or Close?
Adam Rhodie, Greenwich Country Day; Chad Tew, LearnCollab
*All times Eastern Time
“This was the first conference that I have attended in a long time in which I felt challenged to grow in my role as head, and I was grateful for the opportunity to be able to do so from such talented and thoughtful individuals that presented and attended. It was the most worthwhile professional development that I have experienced in a long time.”
—Kelley Waldron, Head of School, St. Andrew’s School, GA