Managing Up and Organizational Savvy: Influence Without Authority
Date & Time
Thursday, September 23, 2021, 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM

Admissions professionals often struggle to have their voices carry appropriate weight among other senior leaders and the Board of Trustees, despite tuition revenue providing the overwhelming financial capacity at most independent schools. The most accomplished admission and enrollment management officers know how to both be a team member and lead others. These professionals are adept at using multiple forms of formal and informal leadership strategies to be successful. This interactive session will address that need by exploring two key tools in the leadership toolbox: managing up and organizational savvy. Understanding when and how to use these tools greatly increases an admission officer’s ability to benefit the school with their wisdom, insight, and perspective. During this session, participants will be introduced to key organizational dynamics concepts and will be asked to put their learning into practice by preparing for tangible steps they can take when returning to school.

Ari Betof, Mission & Data, PA

Anne Marie Balzano, Mission & Data, NM
