Full Name
Ray Diffley
Job Title
Founder @RD3 Education & Director of Character Education & Senior Adviser for SNF
Founder RD3 Education & Advising Center & Director of Character Education @SNF (Shang NancyFriends) Global Education Group
Speaker Bio

After 23 years at Choate (admission director and various admission roles)  and 3 years at AISAP, I  founded RD3 Education & Advising Center focused on Human (Student) Development, character and Educational Advising.  

Shortly thereafter I teamed up with SNF (Shang NancyFriends) to serve as Director of Character Education and grow my work beyond the US  to have a strong partnership in China.  

I've just launched student development retreats focused on leadership, communication skills, and character strength development,  and established a Character Center in CT.   Please follow me on YouTube and Tiktok as well as listed sites in this app @RD3 Education. Thank you and have a great conference!