Promoting Belonging through Supplemental Support
Date & Time
Thursday, September 19, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Geared towards schools who do not have all of their extra costs rolled into a set fee as part of tuition, this session will share how two different independent schools help families with extra costs over and above tuition. Regardless of the size of your supplemental support budget, this session will incorporate practical tips on determining who is eligible for supplemental support, what items are covered, how to budget, how to communicate the program to families and other constituencies on campus while still maintaining confidentiality, developing a supplemental handbook for reference, and ways of gaining buy-in from the Board/Head.

Location Name
Hampton (3rd Floor)
Full Address
Sheraton Boston Hotel
39 Dalton Street
Boston, MA 02199
United States
Culture and Belonging, Programs and Outcomes, Family Engagement and Retention, Tuition and Financial Strategy, Marketing and Recruitment of New Families
Annual Conference Session Type
Concurrent Session (1 Hour)