Leveraging CRMs to Streamline Admissions and Nurture Prospective Families
Date & Time
Friday, September 20, 2024, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

In today's competitive educational landscape, effective marketing and enrollment strategies are essential to attracting and retaining students. This session will explore how marketing and enrollment teams can elevate enrollment by harnessing the power of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, specifically HubSpot, to streamline admissions processes, increase event attendance, and nurture prospective families throughout the admissions journey. Attendees will learn how to: -Utilize CRM data to target prospective families with personalized communication and marketing campaigns. -Design automated workflows to streamline processes and reduce manual effort, allowing teams to focus on building meaningful relationships with prospective students and their families. -Take advantage of CRM features to track event registrations, communicate with attendees, and survey families to improve future events. -Build dashboards and custom reports to analyze year-over-year data, track sales activity, and identify trends. -Create a cohesive approach to marketing and enrollment, bridging the gap between departments to ensure a seamless experience for prospective families. Attendees will walk away with practical tips and tricks on how to use CRMs to boost event attendance, enhance prospective family engagement, and ultimately contribute to the success of your school's enrollment management efforts. This session is ideal for marketing and enrollment professionals looking to elevate their strategies and embrace technology-driven solutions.

Location Name
Fairfax B (3rd floor)
Full Address
Sheraton Boston Hotel
39 Dalton Street
Boston, MA 02199
United States
Day Schools, Family Engagement and Retention, Marketing and Recruitment of New Families
Annual Conference Session Type
Concurrent Session (1 Hour)