Achieving Enrollment Success as a T.E.A.M.
Date & Time
Friday, September 20, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Many independent schools experienced a bump in enrollment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through collaborative teamwork, Saddle River Day School leveraged this bump as a springboard for sustained enrollment growth, resulting in a nearly 70% increase from pre-COVID enrollment. During this time, Saddle River Day School also saw record numbers of inquiries and applications and improved attrition from 19% to 5%, all while decreasing the discount rate. In what we’ve named the "T.E.A.M. Principle," Geoffrey Bowman, Director of Admissions, will identify the core strategies that led to the highest enrollment in school history and share innovative ideas on how we plan to sustain enrollment for years to come. The T.E.A.M. Principle showcases Teamwork, Educational offerings, Advancement strategies and Marketing investments to demonstrate how the combined effort from multiple disciplines led to success; and how these strategies will evolve moving forward to sustain that success. We will spend time discussing ways for enrollment managers to identify unique opportunities to help their schools elevate. This workshop will be a perfect case study for this year’s theme of Elevating Enrollment. SRDS was a school in trouble in 2018. Now, we have achieved record enrollment and break ground on a $20 million campus improvement plan, including a new 32,000 sq. ft Hall of Science and Entrepreneurship. We want attendees to leave this workshop invigorated, excited and full of ideas to bring back to their school communities. A version of this presentation was presented at the NAIS Conference in Las Vegas in February 2023.

Location Name
Public Garden (5th Floor)
Full Address
Sheraton Boston Hotel
39 Dalton Street
Boston, MA 02199
United States
Day Schools, Institutional Strategy, Programs and Outcomes, Family Engagement and Retention, Tuition and Financial Strategy
Annual Conference Session Type
Concurrent Session (1 Hour)