Rohan Arjun - Friends Select School
Dr. Rodney Glasgow - Sandy Spring Friends School
Priyanka Rupani - Francis W. Parker School

Independent schools are a system in desperate need of being reworked in order to be the schools of the future. In this session, we will explore the questions enrollment practitioners and fellow administrators need to ask to assess the current state of their schools from mission to marketing, recruitment to retention, and experience to exit. We will explore transformative ways to align each facet of your school with DEIJB. The session will be led by The Glasgow Group - a Head of School, Assistant Head of School, DEI Directors, Director of Enrollment Management and Financial Aid, and a Dean/Teacher - to model systemic thinking across the school. The leaders also represent a variety of school types and structures. Participants should come prepared to take a deep dive into the workings of their own schools, actively, and will leave the session with strategic goals and action steps for systemic change.
11011 W Charleston Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89135
United States