Summer Melt: Using Technology to Promote Year-Round Engagement
Date & Time
Thursday, September 29, 2022, 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM

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In September, independent K-12 schools will have just experienced the annual phenomenon known as "summer melt," when students who were previously enrolled fail to attend the new school session. Summer melt disproportionately affects low-income and racial/ethnic minority students, and conditions that lead to summer melt can start as early as the beginning of the school year. Thus, it takes a year-round approach to keep parents and students engaged. Led by a digital strategist with more than 20 years of experience in primary/secondary educational institutions, this session will focus on how to use data and technology to engage both students and parents throughout the year, including during the critical summer months when communication is most difficult. Attendees will leave with actionable steps to take and ideas to get and keep students excited about programs, activities, and school culture while ensuring the parent experience is paramount.

Rachel Welsh, Blackbaud

Sarah Bienvenue, Blackbaud

Virtual Session Link
Online Domestic
, Global Strategy and Programming, Family Engagement and Retention, ,