San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Thursday, May 16, 2024 | |
AGENDA 9:45 am - Registration and welcome 10:05 am - EMA Update, Kitsana Salyphone, Director of Membership and Business Development, EMA 10:30 am - Morning Keynote Speaker - Elizabeth B. Kozleski, Professor, Learning Differences and the Future of Special Education Initiative, Stanford University Topic: Learning in the Age of the Anthropocene and AI This talk focuses our attention on the sustaining challenges of an age in which the survival of the planet and all its inhabitants depend on our collective capacities to innovate, learn, and engineer sustaining futures that are glimmers of what could be. At the same time, we confront the notion that we are an amazingly diverse peoples with many groups whose potentials remain untapped because our models for learning are not robust enough to allow for variability in what and how we design learning. Let’s explore these conundrums together – and look towards accelerating what moves us towards a sustaining and loving future. 11:30 am - Q & A 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - Afternoon Keynote Speaker - Becky Konowicz, Dean of Undergraduate Admission, Santa Clara University Topic: College Admission Today: Adapting to Change and Looking Ahead 2:00 pm - Q & A 2:30 pm - End of Meeting
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