Concurrent Workshops Session Four
Date & Time
Saturday, February 22, 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Choose From:

Finding Your Niche

Kim Stephens, Concordia International School of Hanoi Director of Admissions

Who are we? What do we do well? How are we different? Admissions work is hard: filling spots with mission appropriate students is difficult. Those admitted to the school influence all other decisions. The school’s niche or purpose must be understood and considered to fulfill the school’s mission and vision. We will brainstorm and discuss various ways to differentiate our schools to determine our best niche.


The Measure of a Student

Jonathan Carter, UWCSEA Director of Admissions

Of course. Naturally. Understandably. Many schools and colleges are losing both the incentive and the tools to promote diversity and character goals and so are turning from holistic assessment to clean, objective criteria that trigger automatic admissions. But are we being fair to applicants and true to our mission statements with current practices? Should we - can we - devise systems that are fit for purpose and designed to find future promise rather than past certainty? This workshop will try to contextualize current practices while suggesting possible ways forward. An hour of opinion and practice, theory and hands-on.


Getting Thick with Admissions Data

Katie Rigney-Zimmermann, Saigon South International School Director of Admissions & Marketing

Admissions offices should do more than just report the numbers of people who come through our doors but how can we relay the rest of the picture? We will examine a new approach to the monthly admissions report. Taking a step away from just quantitative data analysis towards qualitative data analysis could be an answer.


Who’s Enrolling? Market Influences Impacting Enrollment Trends at International Schools

Sam Fraser, ISC Research Head of Asia Research

ISC Research is the leading provider of English-medium K-12 international school data, trends and intelligence which it has been collecting since 1994 to produce reports and resources to support development and investment. During this session, Head of Asia Research at ISC Research, Sam Fraser, will explore the key factors impacting international school enrollment growth throughout Asia. He will share the big picture of the market in the region and take a deeper dive into demand trends, legislative changes, and socioeconomic developments impacting key countries.