Concurrent Workshops Session One
Date & Time
Thursday, February 20, 2020, 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Chose from:

Activate Your Value Proposition to Create Brand Ambassadors

Peter Baron, EMA Chief Member Relations Officer

Parents and children need help navigating the complicated world of independent school admission and many schools have become better at telling their authentic stories. But the most successful schools do more than enroll students: they create brand ambassadors. This workshop will draw insight from The Enrollment Management Association’s latest State of the Industry Report and present actionable strategies including how to leverage your value proposition, identity branding, and storytelling to help you meet your enrollment goals.


The Partnership Between the CFO and Enrollment Management Leader

T.K. Ostrom, UNIS Hanoi Director of Enrollment Management and Marketing

Misty Shipley, UNIS Hanoi Director of Finance and Operations

The most important and ever-evolving relationship in international schools today is that of the CFO and the Enrollment Management Leader. This workshop provides a guide in how to build a mutual commitment and trust between these key leaders in the school in order to remain competitive in the ever-changing international school environment. With the right chemistry, the relationship grows, and the school maximizes its opportunities for financial sustainability.


Reimagining Admissions as a Learning Event for Families

David Willows, International School of Brussels Director of Advancement

We used to think that admissions was all about passing on information about our school. Then, one day, we started wondering whether it should rather be a learning experience for families. In this session, David Willows will tell the story of a school that has completely reimagined admissions. Based on lessons learned, he will invite us to consider the possibility that the future of our profession will be defined by learning, design, listening, story and, above all, human kindness.